How Saying “No” Creates Real Power in Business

You might think that real power in business comes from simply owning a business. But as a businesswoman who’s got the hang of my daily routine, I’ll tell you: real power in business comes from the ability to say NO!

Can You Lead Like Trump?

Regardless if you agree with him politically or share his methods, Donald Trump is a king of leaders. The picture he conjures is one of enormity peppered with multiple successes and failures. Can you lead like that?

Building Trust in the Workplace

If you don’t have trust in any relationship, there’s nowhere you can go that won’t wind up being tainted by distrust and underhanded dealings. So what are my six tips for making sure you have trust in the workplace? Here you go! 

Finding Your Sweet Spot

The best way to find and play to your strengths, to analyze the way you perform in certain business situations, is to give yourself a job interview.

Anger Management: 10 Tips for Keeping Cool

It’s how you choose to control your anger that makes the difference between a positive and negative outcome. Are you controlling yours?


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