Top 5 Ways to Come Home

Home. A place to live, feel secure, be free. Yes. But not the home you sleep in every night.

This home is where you return when you’ve been hurt or damaged. The home where you celebrate your victories and evaluate your future plans. This is the place inside you where nobody else is privy. Where you find unconditional love and regard.

The home inside you is a protected space. Keep it free from people parasites. These are people who would love to enter and feed off of you. Don’t let that happen. This is your home to be your haven and free from disruption.

Business Check-Up for Women: A Customer Lesson from Guy Kawasaki

When it comes to running a business, there is so much to think about. Organizing and keeping on top of daily operations, marketing, bookkeeping, customer service, employees, vendors, etc. It all pretty much takes up a business owner's time. These are definitely important areas to focus on, but when have you (or have you ever) made a point of literally stepping outside of your business and into the shoes of your customer to see how your business is perceived?

3 Ways to Become a Highly Appreciated Working Parent

Working moms and dads get a bad rap. They are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Do or don’t what? Everything! The working parent is busting you-know-what to be everything, everywhere to everyone. Face it – that’s impossible even for Wonder Woman or Super Man. Every working parent I know at some time or other has felt run down, exhausted, overwhelmed, unnoticed, and unappreciated. Well, there is something you can do about it. Sure, you can take time for yourself - away from the wanting, nagging and expectations. That may help, of course, it will!

Top 5 Motivators of Your Employees

What gets your employees, contractors, or freelancers charged and ready to go? If you don’t know you should find out because the very success of your business could depend on it. And besides, why wouldn’t you want to work with a group of people who are raring to go, bringing you tons of customers, making you huge profits, and eagerly spreading your message?

So what can you do to keep the spark alive? Listen to what motivates them. Here are the top 5 things that motivate your closest allies:

10 Quick Ways Women Can Empower Themselves

When you feel empowered, you can accomplish anything you desire. Empowerment for women doesn’t mean you have to burn your bra or spit at the end of the bar. It doesn’t mean you need to be aggressive or stare down the nearest competitor with vigor. But there are a few things you can do to set yourself on the road to empowerment.
  1. Value relationships where you are an equal. This applies to both personal and professional relationships where you are respected and valued as a person for what you believe, and the ideas you bring to the table.

Live to Win: How To Feel More Alive!

What makes you feel alive? Do you know what the feeling is? Dr. Wayne Dyer said it this way, "I try to teach my children that being successful isn’t necessarily about performing a specific task, being in a certain occupation or living in a particular location. It’s about sharing yourself in a creative, loving way using the skills and interest that are inherently part of you." Dr. Dyer is right. These five steps to feeling alive can open the door to experiences where you will find a new you. You can learn on a different level how to nurture what you know and discover what you don’t know.

Pay It Forward or Payback? Influence And The Principle of Reciprocity

The principle of reciprocity is a powerful way to influence. It’s one of the six psychological principles of persuasion. It’s a means of give and take. Sort of a "you scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours" thinking. But there’s another expression you’re probably familiar with … "You get what you pay for!" It’s all about how you give, and the quality of your intention.

Transition: Is It Your Middle Name?

All stages of life are transitory, whether we're growing into womanhood, getting married, having children, retiring or dealing with an empty nest. Similarly, we also go through different stages in our careers. At one point, we may be at the bottom of the corporate ladder, at another time, we're in varying levels of leadership and positions of influence.


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