So what can you do when you notice you are the object of another woman's manipulation?  You can escape female manipulation tricks without giving in by following these 6 pieces of advice (Counterattacks to the above behaviors). 1.  Buttering You Up: All women would like to believe another woman's flattery - but watch for patterns.  Are you getting compliments when something is at stake?  Or do you get no compliments fro weeks and then suddenly you are the best thing since sliced bread?  Get wise to her game, and turn the tables.  Agree with her compliments.  Resist acting overly appreciative.  Once she thinks its going to your head she'll stop the excessive praise. 2.  Enticement and rewards Cut off her power to entice you with something you desperately want.  Let her know you are attracting everything you need.  She will back off as soon as she realizes you're paying your own way. 3.  Selective Memory Aside from recording your conversations you can at least have a witness.  What I like to do is take out a pen and paper and write out the plan and let them see it right then and there.  No, I don't ask her to initial it!  Call it out to her that you want to make sure things don't get lost in translation. 4.  Guilt Distinguish to her between what you have to do and what you want to do.  Ask her questions.  Make her clarify what is at the heart of her actions or requests.  Stand up to her attempts to force your dependency on her. 5.  Withdrawal Be secure in your aloneness.  Know that when she withdraws she is expecting you to pursue.  Pursue with concern NOT giving in.  You owe it to yourself to ascertain if it is a manipulation trick or genuine.  Trust your gut Bonus Behavior: Playing dumb/helpless Sure, there are times when a woman genuinely needs help.  I will be the first one in line.  But it's not OK for it to be the norm.  Recognize the difference between needing genuine assistance and full-time maintenance.  Enlist her help rather than take over.  Let her know you believe she is capable.  This will show her you are on to her games. No one likes a game-player, and fighting fair should be a priority, but its well within your rights (and best interest) to defend yourself when a woman starts pulling her female manipulation tricks. It's up to you to decide which of her tricks you can live with and which you can't, and nip things in the bud before they get out of control.  Stay on your toes and stay strong - manipulation can only work on women who choose to ignore the signs.
From regional manager to international executive with quadruple the pay, Karen Keller’s unique blueprint carefully outlined the step-by-step process for creating high-impact influence and let me know when I was being influenced in a way that didn’t serve me.
Lloyd Moore
Global Director Supplier Quality & Development - Lear Corporation – South Carolina