How to Make Your Words Count,
Sometimes you don't have to say a lot in order to be heard.

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a long diatribe? Feeling like you’re explaining yourself for the seventh time? Wondering why on earth you’re still having this conversation?

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe it’s not their fault for not listening?

Maybe you simply aren’t communicating in a way that will get heard.

I’ve found there are a couple ways to communicate to ensure your message gets across the right way, the first time. 

Don’t hide behind your Thesaurus

Keep it simple. Nothing gets a message lost like surrounding it with a bunch of adjectives or illustrative stories. Keep your message simple. Think of it this way: If you can’t write it in a few sentences, it’s probably too long for someone to properly remember.

Which do you remember?

Our perceptions of our existence are the derivatives of countless forces that contour our experience, singularly having an impact on whether we feel excellent or dreadful.


Life is the result of your experience and how it affects you.

Remember your goal is to be heard – not put them to sleep.  

Take the junk out of your mouth

Be direct. In line with the above, don’t hem and haw, just get your message out there. That doesn’t mean be crass. Be gracious, but there’s no need to beat around the bush when you’re trying to communicate. Oftentimes it does nothing more than allow the listener to misconstrue what you’re trying to communicate. 

For example, “I, like, think you should, like, arrive in time to, like, be available, like, you know, to your audience.”

How crazy does that sound? My guess is by now they are counting the “likes” ignoring what you’re saying.

Speak with authority and confidence

Don’t be aggressive. But be firm.

Sometimes when you have an important message to get across, you can come off as being bossy or even aggressive. It’s important to make sure your message is heard, but being overly pushy will only serve to put your audience on the defense and most people shut down in defensive mode. 

Assert your tone. Command a presence where they will stop, listen and say, “Oh!”

Repeat. Repeat. And repeat some more

After you’ve told them what you’re going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you told them.

Ask them to repeat what you said. This goes a long way in imprinting your message in the mind of the listener. That doesn’t mean they should parrot it back, but have them describe things to you in their own words. This makes it much more likely that this person will relate to and remember the message.

Know when to stop talking

I imagine you didn’t see this one coming.

Seriously – sometimes, often times, the most powerful choice of words is silence. Make it work for you! 




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From regional manager to international executive with quadruple the pay, Karen Keller’s unique blueprint carefully outlined the step-by-step process for creating high-impact influence and let me know when I was being influenced in a way that didn’t serve me.
Lloyd Moore
Global Director Supplier Quality & Development - Lear Corporation – South Carolina