Coming soon we will be offering all KII® and Enterprise Partners the opportunity to continue their KII® coaching in a specifically designed program where you will work directly with me in a group setting to update your KII® skills and delve further into how you work with the KII® Program and materials.
This monthly calls will be planned to work strategically with you to:
- Move things forward when you feel stuck
- Provide continued KII® skill development
- Provide answers to burning questions
- Enhance what you have learned in KII® Partner training
- Help you get the results you need
- Introduce innovative applications for program
- Provide a support network of KII® Partners
- Present new ideas of using and marketing the KII®
Becoming an effective KII® Certified Professional is a process, a collaborative effort, not a one-time event. The Ongoing Support Program will be there to serve your needs and help you get started on the road to becoming an expert Influence Coach in using the KII® Assessment.
When the Ongoing Support Program is ready for launch you will be notified in advance. Until then stay in touch!