Top 5 Ways to Come Home

Home. A place to live, feel secure, be free. Yes. But not the home you sleep in every night.

This home is where you return when you’ve been hurt or damaged. The home where you celebrate your victories and evaluate your future plans. This is the place inside you where nobody else is privy. Where you find unconditional love and regard.

The home inside you is a protected space. Keep it free from people parasites. These are people who would love to enter and feed off of you. Don’t let that happen. This is your home to be your haven and free from disruption.

7 Personal Power Qualities of Influential People

Personal power makes a person influential. His or her personal power is what is left when other powers or money is lost to him or her. People are learning the value of their personal power. For years, they have invested in the belief of being powerless. Competing desires, thoughts, and feelings interfered with accessing their power. Many times these competing desires included the desire to please or do for others.

Are You Headed for the Corner Office?

Who gets the corner office? The person who maneuvers and manipulates? The manor woman who is constantly pleasing? Whether you are a businessman or businesswoman, entrepreneur or corporate leader in training – your goal of the corner office is commendable. The person who gets the corner office has these top 5 traits. These empowering traits, preferably habits, will sharpen your focus while on the path to the corner office. Ignore any suggestions of ‘hoping’ to reach the corner office or being satisfied with a view onto the back alley.

Business Check-Up for Women: A Customer Lesson from Guy Kawasaki

When it comes to running a business, there is so much to think about. Organizing and keeping on top of daily operations, marketing, bookkeeping, customer service, employees, vendors, etc. It all pretty much takes up a business owner's time. These are definitely important areas to focus on, but when have you (or have you ever) made a point of literally stepping outside of your business and into the shoes of your customer to see how your business is perceived?

Self-Promotion without Bragging

There's a fine line between bragging and pointing out our achievements in order to be successful. Here are a couple of things you can do in order to avoid becoming the unwanted office braggart:

How Do You Pay It Forward?

You may be familiar with the movie based on the book Pay It Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde. The premise of the story is that people who are on the receiving end of a good deed, in turn, pay that forward by doing good deeds for three other people, thereby creating a chain of good deeds that eventually spread around the world.

The Power of Positive Thinking: 5 Steps to Changing Your Attitude For Success

Attitude is a choice. We are confronted daily with situations, words, outcomes that force us to choose a response. That response is based decidedly on our attitude. Attitude is the difference between winning the battles, but losing the war. How many times have you realized that your attitude saved a business deal, a relationship, or your life?

Spring Fever: Balancing Work with Play

Are you sitting in your office just itching to ditch the paperwork and get outside? Fight the urge and you'll find yourself becoming less productive as you spend more and more time daydreaming about what it would feel like to be outside. Here's how to get some sun without interfering with your busy work schedule.


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