Expressing Emotions Effectively: How Do Smart People Vent?

There are several ways you can vent your frustrations and. Many of which could make things worse resulting in more trouble than you bargained for. Nonetheless, venting is a good skill to learn. But, do it smartly! Don’t let it get the best of you, give your enemy power or sink a damaged ship. These are a few things to know or do when you feel the urge to vent (before you explode). Clear the room of all sharp objects. That includes the sharp tongues that will criticize and gossip about you later. Trust who you let listen.

Business Lessons from Prince William and Kate Middleton

There probably aren't many people on the planet who don't know about the upcoming nuptials of one of the most famous bachelors in the world. Getting married is a pretty big step in life for anyone, and doing it before the eyes of millions is thankfully not what the rest of us have to take on! Still, William and Kate are going to be in "business" a long time, and we can already see they are determined to color a little outside the lines and run their own show despite all the trappings of tradition around them.

Top Ten Things Your Customer Wants

Customer retention, relationship management, and how a business owner provides customer service is extremely important to the bottom line. Everyone knows it cost more money to find a new customer than to retain an existing one. So why not give it your all to satisfy your customer’s needs.

Every customer wants something. It doesn’t matter what it is, they want it yesterday. If you could know ahead of time what they wanted, that’d make life so much easier. So, instead of the typical Top 5, let’s do a Top Ten piece. Here it is – just for you!

Live to Win: How To Feel More Alive!

What makes you feel alive? Do you know what the feeling is? Dr. Wayne Dyer said it this way, "I try to teach my children that being successful isn’t necessarily about performing a specific task, being in a certain occupation or living in a particular location. It’s about sharing yourself in a creative, loving way using the skills and interest that are inherently part of you." Dr. Dyer is right. These five steps to feeling alive can open the door to experiences where you will find a new you. You can learn on a different level how to nurture what you know and discover what you don’t know.

Pay It Forward or Payback? Influence And The Principle of Reciprocity

The principle of reciprocity is a powerful way to influence. It’s one of the six psychological principles of persuasion. It’s a means of give and take. Sort of a "you scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours" thinking. But there’s another expression you’re probably familiar with … "You get what you pay for!" It’s all about how you give, and the quality of your intention.

Your Boss is a Jerk? The Top 5 Ways to Tame the Tyrant Boss

When your boss is the office bully a very different picture emerges. It’s like dealing with a spoiled child who rants and raves knowing nobody will say anything for fear of risking the unemployment line. They act out because they can. They are insecure, compensating for little or no leadership, have a strong need for perfection, and find every reason to place blame anywhere they like.

What is Assertiveness Training?

Do you understand the difference in being aggressive versus assertive?

How to Think Like Oprah

Oprah Winfrey has built an empire. A brand the world knows just by hearing her first name. She came from nowhere leading others to explore depths never talked about before. Oprah has clearly paved the way for women to be recognized as an economic, moral, and family force with the power to effect change and turn heads. What could she have been thinking all the while doing everything she did? Here’s my best guest.

Are YOU Influencing Your First Impressions?

As women in business and women leaders at work, we are always beginning new relationships, either with clients, staff, vendors or customers. Yet sometimes we can forget the importance first impressions make. Obviously as professionals, we strive to do our best, but there are times when, for whatever reason, we fall short, and unfortunately, this can put a negative mark on our track record from the get-go.

How To Deal With Negative People For A Happier and More Productive Life

What business do negative people have in your life? Why are they there in the first place? Because you let them hang around. Could it be you hang around them? What happens when you are surrounded by even just one negative Nellie? Your whole day, attitude, perspective, and direction changes - for the worse. Before you know it there's a pattern that goes like this: "I know she's negative but she has some good qualities, too." Then, "I can fix her negativity." Next, "She really isn't THAT negative." Lastly, "What? She's negative? I didn't notice."


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