The last thing you want to do every morning is get out of bed and trip all over yourself. Positive living - it's the first tool you need in your toolbox in order to start each day with one foot in front of the other and a smile on your face!

But are you your own biggest obstacle and not even aware? I'm guilty of getting in my own way. It's true. My schedule, my life - they get the better of me on some days and I couldn't fight my way out of a paper bag (even if you gave me a pair of scissors). I'll share with you today some strategies I use to get out of my own way and back on down the road of positive living. It'll put a smile on my face to know they worked for you!

Your Schedule - Fix It! You're the only one who allows things to go on your schedule. The only one. So stop acting like other people have permission to run your days for you! Enough with the double booking and back to back appointments. Give yourself room to breathe and the time it takes to do what you do best.

Your Clients - Love Them! In the entrepreneurial world, we sometimes take business because we need the work, not because we like the client. Commit to yourself that you're only going to take clients you like. When you have clients you like, they'll refer people like them to you. And that's more clients you like. It's magic!

Your Life - Don't Forget It! When you leave the office or end your work day, don't be afraid to not take a call or let your email sit until morning. Your insurance agent isn't going to hit reply or answer a call at 8:30pm. Why should you? Give yourself the latitude to LIVE your life. Friends, family and relaxation. Devoting time to these things make YOU a better you and ultimately a better business.

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From regional manager to international executive with quadruple the pay, Karen Keller’s unique blueprint carefully outlined the step-by-step process for creating high-impact influence and let me know when I was being influenced in a way that didn’t serve me.
Lloyd Moore
Global Director Supplier Quality & Development - Lear Corporation – South Carolina