Today's Challenge: Make Time

Sure, it’s easy to think of time as money. It’s a business expression older than all of us put together and an issue we face daily: finding enough time to get everything done. But this weekend, I was thinking: time isn’t always money.


Sometimes, it’s just time. And we’re pretty good at wasting it, considering it’s our most valuable asset.

Time is all we have to get through this life. It’s what lets us breathe, work, pursue our passions, raise families and love. Occasionally, we get to sleep. Rarely do we sleep enough, but when we do, it makes our time the next day more enjoyable.

When we have time, we’re not afraid to lounge on a blanket at the park and rest our head on someone’s shoulder. We’re also not afraid to pick up every candle in the store, just to see how each one smells. We read bedtime stories and have sandbox parties in the backyard with neighborhood friends. We watch movies and sports and cook dinner with friends.

All of this happens when we have time.

And all of this gets missed when we don’t.

Last time we talked about taking back your heart strings and reinvesting in yourself. You made a list of all the things that demanded your emotional bandwidth and started to make room in your life for the good stuff.

Today, I wanted to show you what all the fuss about “making room” was for. It’s not just because I like lists.

Time is your most precious resource and all things come from it. If you spend all of your times running your business with blinders on, you’re going to miss some pretty amazing things over the years.

Today, I challenge you to take time. To MAKE time.

Give yourself the gift of slowing down and coming to a complete stop. I guarantee you that whatever was taking your time will be there when you’re ready to pay attention to it again.


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From regional manager to international executive with quadruple the pay, Karen Keller’s unique blueprint carefully outlined the step-by-step process for creating high-impact influence and let me know when I was being influenced in a way that didn’t serve me.
Lloyd Moore
Global Director Supplier Quality & Development - Lear Corporation – South Carolina